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Showing posts from 2020

Missing These Days

-The "good ol' days" of soccer. Even when it was pouring, literally freezing or 100 plus degrees out, soccer is part of us... I miss all of it. -Kaiser has been so blessed by his soccer team and coach, "The Salem Timbers" and it has been hard to not see them. We are working on finding ways to stay on his skills. - The days of adventuring to museums and new exhibits is certainly something we can't wait to get back to asap. -Derek. He is our neighbor, friend and like an adopted son. We sure miss his sarcasm, his laughter his jokes and the wonderful impact he makes on our family. He is just around the corner... but dang we miss that Dude. -Exploring new spots learning new skills together as a family. What more could you ask for!!! -Laughter and lessons. Introducing the kids to new skills, laughing along the way and creating memories is where it's at. -Shed hunting... need I say more? The Days of Quarantine:  Life has

Welcome Home

These two Critters... Well, it's certainly been a while. Since about 2013-2014 My life was a dark confusing mess. Since 2015 it has been a whirlwind, to say the least. I find myself just trying to stay afloat. One life change after another, one new curveball, one additional challenge. In the end, though, I wouldn't change it for anything. We have each learned a lot about ourselves. How we handle pressure, fear anxiety and the unknown. We have continued to see God's faithful hands never let us go without. We have learned a lot about our strengths and weaknesses and how to come together as a team. After all, that is what family is at the core of it. A team. Learning about ourselves, and the others on your team is the key to success. Put the right players in the right spot and victory and success will come naturally. We have failed epically many times and we have won many victories. I felt it was time to start documenting again and to welcome in this next chapter. Pais